'Tis a tribute to Chau (you guys probably know him as Miao), the man who links one song from YouTube and calls it a day.

Lame attempt by PETA to raise animal cruelty awareness but is probably gonna get sued by Nintendo

Killing Floor Preview/Guide Part 1

  Killing Floor is a cooperative first person shooter game (Co-op FPS game) developed and published by Tripwire Interactive. In this game you can choose to either play it in single or multiplayer, the more people that join the game the more monsters there will be. The difficulty will not change whatever the number of people there are. It will however spawn stronger monsters or "Specimen" as that is their given name. When you create a game online or play it solo you can choose the difficulty and length of the game. The highest difficulty is Hell On Earth and the longest game length is 10 rounds; Although the longest game length is actually 11 rounds because the boss Patriarch spawns the round after what you would call the "last round". These are just the basic features of the game. I will now explain the contents of the game in detail.

  Not only does Killing Floor have a bunch of features with the game, it also has unique specimen which spawn each round. Time to explain them in detail, I'll list them and explain what abilities each of them has.(Please don't hate me if I leave something out =P)

 These are like your average zombies that have no special abilities, their attack and movement speed are slow but that changes when you get surrounded by a bunch of Clots. When they surround you they are like a cockblock, making movement very slow and the screen all red and bloody. Clots are the weakest specimen of Killing Floor but you better save your ammo for then because they come in waves in the early rounds.

  Gorefasts resemble Clots in some ways, except for the fact that the Gorefast has a giant sword attached to his left arm. The attack and movement speed significantly exceed that of a Clots. The Gorefast lives up to it's name because of its speed when it charges at you. Gorefasts are even more
of a threat when they surround you and attack you in numbers because of their increased movement and attack speed. Gorefasts tend to spawn quite a bit as well in the early rounds.

  Bloats are way different from Clots and Gorefasts as it serves as a support and tank for them. bloats are easily noticable thanks to their size and fugliness. It spits acid as a basic attack. The acid slowly deals damage to you as time passes, it also wears off after a few seconds. The deadliest thing about the acid isn't the damage it does, it's how the acid covers up the screen making you unable to see anything so basically leaving you open for other specimen to attack you. Bloats also explode and deal damage to nearby enemies and allies upon death. It is recommended that it is killed mid or long range.

  Sirens are the most annoying specimen in Killing Floor in my opinion. Mostly because its attack creates red vibrations in the air and it makes your screen shake. Another reason is because its attack ignores armor and does damage to your health directly. Truely a deadly foe, if your going to fight her then I recommend that you shoot her head off from a long range.

  Stalkers are one of the weakest specimen in Killing Floor in my opinion because of it's low health and weak attack. The only thing that prevents it from being weaker than a Clot is the cloaking ability it has. Stalkers can go into a cloaking condition where you cannot see her at all unless she starts attacking you. Stalkers can also be seen by Commandos(A perk) within a certain range of sight so keep that in mind. The way you kill it isn't really that much of a problem worth discussing about because of how weak it is.

  Crawlers aren't that big of a threat as they are agile and annoying. As the name says Crawlers crawl on the ground. Their basic attack is leaping at you. Its a good thing that crawlers don't deal a huge amount of damage like some specimen do. Although I would prioritize killing the Crawlers first when engaging different types of specimen at once.

  Husks are like Sirens in some aspects because of how annoying they are. They shoot fireballs out of the blue, when the fireball hits you it doesn't do a lot of damage but you have to keep burning for a while after that. Now that I think of it a Husk is like a Siren and a Bloat combined. The amount of health, how annoying it is. Not threatening..... Just annoying. The way you kill the Husk doesn't matter just make sure to take care of the Clots and other specimen around you first.

  The appearance of Scrakes don't differ from that of a Gorefast's that much except for the fact that the Scrake looks sexier and holds a giant chainsaw. This is one of the stronger specimen so be careful when your engaging one of them. The best way (that I know of) to kill a Scrake is to get a Beserker with a katana to fight the Scrake straight on, due to some abilities the Scrake is stunned while being attacked by the Beserker, the other way is to keep on shooting him while your running backwards. Also if you shoot him randomly he'll be mad and he will start charging at you.

  Fleshpounds are the biggest threat before you fight Patriarch. Why is he such a big threat? If you make him mad he charges at you like the Scrake does. Putting his ability aside let me explain how beast the Fleshpound is. He has two giant hammers with spikes as his hand. Not enough? He has six packs and an awesome vile which is usually yellow and turns red when you make him mad. It is recommended that you have a high level demolitionist to keep on spamming AA12s on him. He will seriously beat the shit out of you if you get too close or make him mad.

   The final boss at the last round of each game. He has a giant machine gun and rocket launcher attached to one of his arms so remember to take cover before you see him. He also cloaks when he is coming or when he goes to heal after taking a certain amount of damage. It is recommended that you buy some pipe bombs before the round and set them up around you so that Patriarch can't take you by surprise and will take damage from the pipe bombs. There's really no secrets to how you fight Patriarch, what you need to do is unload on him with all you got and I'm pretty sure you'll win if you have enough firepower.

P.S. Here's the site to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/xXGyroBoxXx and here's the site for my first video on Killing Floor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPjZ8L0iU50. Part 2 will come out soon! Peace out!

                                                       End Of Part 1



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