'Tis a tribute to Chau (you guys probably know him as Miao), the man who links one song from YouTube and calls it a day.

Lame attempt by PETA to raise animal cruelty awareness but is probably gonna get sued by Nintendo

Phineas and Ferb : Across the Second Dimension Part 1

< Warning : Spoiler Alert >
< Cookies for those who read everything >

"Hey Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!" Going to another dimension, that's what! Yes, your favourite little awkwardly shaped headed boys are going to travel across to the second dimension. That's much more fun than building rollercoasters, engraving their sister's head onto Mount Rushmore, traveling through time and rediscovering Atlantis, right? The answer is no. The second dimension's version of Dr. Doofenshmirtz had already taken over the tri-state area, and everybody was forced to wear overalls and stuff. But before I tell you about that story, I'll have to tell you this story.

The story starts with Phineas and the gang attempting to launch themselves into the park in a giant badminton birdie. Meanwhile Dr. Doofenshmirtz was making a machine that allows you to travel into another dimension called the Otherdimensionator, so as always, Agent P sets out to foil his plans. As Agent P flys off in his rocket car, the giant badminton birdie collides with it, therefore altering Phineas and Ferb's original destination causing them to crash right into Dr. Doofenshmirtz's Otherdimensionator. Agent P just crashes in general. Phineas and Ferb apologizes to Dr. Doofenshmirtz and offers to help fix his Otherdimensionator. Just before the machine was fixed, the delayed Agent P appears! But then Agent P saw Phineas and Ferb (who doesn't know about Perry's alter ego). "Oh snap" went Agent P who then changes back to Perry.

< Doof-2 >

Unable to switch back into Agent P, Perry had no choice but to allow them to finish off the Otherdimensionator. Upon arrival of the 2nd dimension, Dr. Doofenshmirtz meets up with the other Dr. Doofenshmirtz (who we'll call Doof-2) and finds out that the entire tri-state area has already been conquered.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz then questions Doof-2's ability to conquer the tri-state area when Agent P always ruins their plans. Doof-2 then calls in Platyborg, an enslaved and robotic version of Perry. After that Dr. Doofenshmirtz was all like "Oh em gee!" so Doof-2 was like "Wait wut? You haven't beaten your Agent P yet? You nubcake." Phineas and Ferb then enters the room along with their dimension's Perry, interrupting their conversation.

Doof-2 immediately realizes that Perry is actually Agent P And gets Platyborg to attack it. Perry doesn't fight back however, since it doesn't want Phineas and Ferb to know about his secret identity. This time, Doof-2 commands Platyborg to attack Phineas and Ferb instead. Then Perry goes "Oh no you didn't!" and transforms into Agent P and blocks Platyborg's attack. Phineas and Ferb goes like "GASP! PERRY HAS A HAT!" Then the three of them escaped the building. Phineas attempts to get back to their dimension by using the remote control version of the Otherdimensionator (didn't I tell you he had one?) but it doesn't lead back his dimension but instead a completely different dimension. They got sad and just sat there til they rotted to death. Just kidding.

< Other Dimension Phineas and Ferb >

Phineas and Ferb went to look for themselves of this dimension, hoping they would know how to fix it. Upon meeting themselves, they find out that in this dimension, everything sucks. That's pretty much it, so Phineas and Ferb teach their counterparts about summer and fun. Meanwhile, Perry sees Doof-2 on the television, telling Perry to surrender himself or else the boys (Phineas and Ferb) get hurt. So Perry heads to turn hinself in. Afterwards Phineas and Ferb bring their counterparts across the street, telling them about Isabella and stuff but they were stopped by some of Doof-2's Normbots. They go "Oh noes!" and suddenly Buford-2 beat the Normbots up and go like "Kay, let's go." After getting to Isabella-2's house, they get tied up by the Firestorm Girls, who were a part of the resistance. Isabella-2 recognizes Buford-2 though, and let's them all go.

Phineas and Ferb tells the resistance about their situation and then the resistance took them to Dr. Baljeet who then explains a bunch of boring stuff about how it'll take a bunch of energy to get them back to their own dimension. So Dr. Baljeet opens the portal, but then Candace-2 suddenly appears and reveals herself to be the leader of the resistance. Afterwards Phineas and Ferb goes like "Oh snap, where's Perry?" and finds out he's gone so they head back to find him even though there's not much time before the portal closes. Back at the original dimension Candace and Stacy were talking about some stuff and they saw the portal so Candace goes in and Stacy's all like "Wait..." but too late. The portal closed, leaving Candace stuck in the second dimension.

Thank you for reading part 1 of my Phineas and Ferb : Across the Second Dimension summary/review. I hope this post wasn't too long or boring. Please share this to your friends and comment below if you have any suggestions on what I should post next. Click here for Part 2!
Cheers~ Deo


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