'Tis a tribute to Chau (you guys probably know him as Miao), the man who links one song from YouTube and calls it a day.

Lame attempt by PETA to raise animal cruelty awareness but is probably gonna get sued by Nintendo


       Song is from Vocaloid again, name is Fire◎Flower. Please now, don't start questioning me what that circle if for, but it was in the name of the song i thought i might as well just copy n paste that too. IT'S STORY TIME KIDS! Once upon a time, there was this yellow hair fellow, his name was Len, and he would always sing to the sky, THE END. That was basically what the music was telling us......Oh I'm just joking, too much out more, please do check out the video from youtube or just click on the link shown here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W05XvcmzdWA , or if you can't click on it, than just copy and paste that to the what ever you call that white bar. 


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