'Tis a tribute to Chau (you guys probably know him as Miao), the man who links one song from YouTube and calls it a day.

Lame attempt by PETA to raise animal cruelty awareness but is probably gonna get sued by Nintendo

Potato Stories: Lazyness

    Hi, my name is Grimp, but some people call me Girp, I am here today to tell you my story about how incredibly lazy I am. In fact, it took me 76 years to completely finish this story after the sheer amount of time I wasted just being so lazy.

   I was in my last year of secondary school, which is pretty much a school you go to if you live in a school district without middle schools, and I had tons of homework to do. I went to a school that goes by semesters, so I only had 4 classes for each half of the year, phew. First up was Geography, the teacher said that it was due tomorrow at 3pm, so then obviously that means that I don't have to do it yet. Next was Calculus, which was also due tomorrow but in the morning at 8:20, so that means I could also procrastinate on that and not do it. The next one was English, I had to write an essay about Ox Migration. It had to be a 10 page long essay, and it will be worth 50% of my grade. It's due two days from now, and even though I haven't started it yet, it's all okay. My last class was French, because deep inside, I wanted to become a cool person like that Napoolion Bonaparte guy. No wait, Bonaparte is from the movie, who I actually wanted to become was the harsh self-proclaimed emperor of France Napoleon Dynamite! I have a gigantic group project due tomorrow, and I haven't even started on my part of the project yet, but you know, it'll all be okay.

   It's now 4am at night and I'm deciding to do my homework, so then I start off with the least important which was Geography. All I had to do was label some countries, but that seemed like such a pain to do, so I just went to sleep. Once I woke up, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and changed my clothes, I told my mom that I would be walking to school, so then I walked out the door. Then I figured that it would be too much of a hassle to walk to school, so i waited for my mom to leave for work, then I just went back into the house and slept some more. The next day when I actually bothered to go to school, everybody was mad at me for some reason, I don't know why though. Since they were pestering me so much, I just went outside the school and decided to take a nap in the bushes. When I woke up, I was in the Nurse's Office. I looked around and asked why I was in here, but nobody was there! I decided to walk back home, no matter how much effort it took, just so I could go and play some of my video games.

   Once I got home, I saw a letter on my door. It said, "Someone as lazy as you should just die!". I thought about that letter, and decided that I would just go to the nearby harbor and try to drown myself. After 3 days of dragging myself to the harbor, which was only 5 blocks away from my house, I rented a boat, and sailed off to the sea. I decided I would tie a cage to my leg, and throw both the cage and myself off the boat. I was about to tie the rope but it just seemed like so much work, so I decided to just take a nap. Something shook the boat, and woke me up. I looked at what was shaking it and then I saw it...A GIANT HUMPBACK WHALE IS DESTROYING THE ENTIRE BOAT! The Humpback Whale then crushed both the boat and myself, ending my life. How am I writing this story you ask? 42.


Hello people reading, thanks for reading my Potato stories. Please follow our blog, and tell this to your friends or random people on the street. Also, remember to leave the comment if you liked it and tell me what you want the next story to be about. Thanks for reading and Potato Out!


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