'Tis a tribute to Chau (you guys probably know him as Miao), the man who links one song from YouTube and calls it a day.

Lame attempt by PETA to raise animal cruelty awareness but is probably gonna get sued by Nintendo

If we were all like Chau #13

Future Soon by Jonathan Coulton. The videos I found of him singing this live had terrible audio. The only other two videos I found of this song were this one and another one where the uploader decided to fuck it all up with the vile existence of World of Warcraft. Fucking fucks. Nobody like WoW. Except nerds. Nerds and dumbs. Yes. Dumbs. Noun. As in "You're such a dumb." Hurhurrr. Well, now I'm fucking out of stuff to say so I'll leave the post as is.
Cheers~ Deo.


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