'Tis a tribute to Chau (you guys probably know him as Miao), the man who links one song from YouTube and calls it a day.

Lame attempt by PETA to raise animal cruelty awareness but is probably gonna get sued by Nintendo


       The song is Blue Train, by Asian Kung Fu Generation(AKFG for short). Yes, you might think the name is a bit weird, but the music is great so who cares about the name? The first time I found out about this band was when I was on Facebook, the page I liked post a song from this band, and after listening to it, I quickly went on Youtube to find more songs from them. The part I like the most about this song is the opening because of the rhythm. If you like Japanese rock than I highly recommend you to click on the play button if you haven't, and to also check out more songs from this band. All rights go to their rightful owners.



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