'Tis a tribute to Chau (you guys probably know him as Miao), the man who links one song from YouTube and calls it a day.

Lame attempt by PETA to raise animal cruelty awareness but is probably gonna get sued by Nintendo


Welcome back to School, BRO

Hello viewers. So back here in Canada (btw, we live in Canada, did you know that?), we've recently started up school again. Yay? No. Not yay. All of my courses are HORRIBLE, except maybe a few of them. Most of them are horrible though. Anyways, since we've recently been going back to school and stuff, we won't be posting as frequently as before. Sorry! Well then, enough about us. Let's spice up your school year with a bunch of funny test and exam answers! I ensure you, these pictures will stick in your head for a long time, causing you to randomly think of it in class, making you laugh. People will then look at you awkwardly resulting in you looking like a complete weirdo.

Let's start this up.
 Click the image to enlarge.

< Ahahahaa. You got negative points. >

< Sorry girls, but this is funny. >

< Technically, you can't deny that. >

< What's with all these negative points? >

< It's a pussy cat, get it? >

< So did he get it correct? >

< Explain to me how the answer is a whale. >

< Dang friggin right! >

< Uhh, yeah... Scissors... >

< Plants don't move!!! For the most parts anyways. >

< That is the greatest teacher of all history. >

< I'm surprised the teacher accepted that explanation. >

< Greatest math answer EVAR. >

< We need more smartypants like these in our society. >

< I hate this teacher! >

< I would've marked that right. But then again, that's why I'm not a teacher. >

<Pallet Town? Namek? This kid knows his map. >

And that's all for today. I hope you had a great time laughing at these pictures. All material used here belong to Funny Exams Answers, so go check them out. Leave any more suggestions down in the comment section below. Remember to share this with your friends if you liked it. Thanks, bye!
Cheers~ Deo.


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