'Tis a tribute to Chau (you guys probably know him as Miao), the man who links one song from YouTube and calls it a day.

Lame attempt by PETA to raise animal cruelty awareness but is probably gonna get sued by Nintendo

Potato Stories: My Little Sister

       Hello, my name is John, but that isn't really the point of this story, the whole point of it is my little sister. I am currently 17 years old and a senior in High School in a nice place called Canada. Yes, that place where we all live in igloos and ride polar bears to work, it is also Summer at the moment. Since I am at this age, I stray from listening from too "kid-like" singers, such as Hannah Montanna and whoever else there is. I'm not sure if this is due to my age, but I really despise even hearing that kind of music, I don't know why, but it just happens. Now on to my little sister, she is currently around 9 years old, so it would be obvious that she would happen to have an interest in those "kid-like" songs that I absolutely despise, but since it's my little sister, I guess I will just have to deal with it. Now in general, I'm not really much of a music person, I am blissfully unaware of many great singers out there, and I just like listening whatever I find and seem to take a liking to. So because of that, I don't really know when there are new singers, even if they are a big hit like Lady GaGa or something.

      Now heres my problem, I usually just deal with the music that my little sister is listening to, but recently, I have been hearing these few songs that make me hate the person singing the song with a very strong feeling of hate. So one day, I went and asked her what she wanted for her birthday, and she said she wanted tickets to a Justin Beiber concert. Honestly, I had no idea who this Justin Beiber person was, so I went and searched up a song of his on YouTube and clicked it. That was probably the worst mistake I could have made because this Justin Beiber guy was the one singing the songs that I hated even more than "kid-like" songs. I pondered what to do, but then I came up with an idea! It's not like I actually had to go to the concert, so I went and looked up the prices for a middle seat area spot, and I saw the price. $500 was the price of two tickets for a spot in the middle. I went and looked everywhere I could, but everywhere it was, it was $500. So I decided I would just get the seats at the back instead.....$450. Although I hated that guy, I still wanted to give my little sister a birthday present, so I went and bought one of his CD's for her. Although she wasn't happy that I couldn't get a ticket to the concert, she was happy that she got a CD of his. That was probably the reason why I am typing all of this out...That CD.....

        The CD was like a curse for me, why did I buy it! The next day, I was woken up to extremely loud singing, and that singing was from my sister, singing one of those Justin Beiber songs. I thought it would be okay since she would probably stop in a few days, and I was happy that she seemed to be enjoying my present. Boy was I wrong, she kept singing the songs as loud as she could for 12 hours straight for a few days. I was starting to lose my mind from hearing the same terrible song for days and days and days and days. One month later, she was still singing, but along with the singing, she also screamed "I LOVE YOU JUSTIN BEIBERRRRR <3333333" every while. Now along with those annoyances, she also constantly watched TV to see if there was anything that Justin Beiber would have a remote chance of being on, and sadly, lots of the time there was. Everytime she would see Justin Beiber on TV she would make such a loud scream, that after so long of listening to it, one of my ears actually bled. Eventually, I just went on Google and searched up, "How can I get my little sister to shut the hell up about Justin Beiber". Turns out, lots of people also searched that up, and there were NO ANSWERS.

     Three years of this torture passed by and I eventually snapped. I told my sister I would take her to a Justin Beiber concert, and of course she accepted. I put a blindfold on her, telling her that I don't want to hear her screaming as soon as she can see some kind of sign that we're nearby, and that if she didn't agree I wouldn't take her. Obviously she accepted. I drove her to the Grand Canyon since we lived near there, and told her to take off her blindfold. She took it off and screamed, asking why we weren't at a Justin Beiber concert. I told her I lied, then I picked her up and started approaching the cliff. She kept screaming, panicking and struggling to get free while I was doing this, but the 8 years of age difference made that not affect me at all. Once I got to the edge, I said to her "I hate Justin Beiber". THEN I THREW HER OFF THE FUCKING CLIFF. I could just hear her as she screamed and toppled against the jagged rocks sticking out the side of the Canyon. I laughed like a madman. Now I am in an insane asylum, typing all this out, because apparently the let insane people use computers here. It's actually extremely nice here.....Compared to what I had to deal with for 3 years that is.

                     THE END

Hello people reading, thanks for reading my Potato stories. Please follow our blog, and tell this to your friends or random people on the street. Also, remember to leave the comment if you liked it and tell me what you want the next story to be about. Thanks for reading and Potato Out!


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